Hope Awakens In Bethlehem

What a blessing the adult musical, Hope Awakes in Bethlehem, was. Poinsettias lined the beautiful Christmas stage, an orchestra was down front and 40 plus voices singing with such emotion and connection to the songs! One of the first songs was, “Joy Unto The World” which said, “hope is here”! That was the theme of the evening. With no musical talent, I had to have help putting how I felt about the orchestra into words. “The chemistry between musicians and the combined volume of their instruments leaves audiences blown away. It's hard to resist being moved by an orchestra. The fused energy of all of those performers moving in the same direction can be very persuasive.” Amen!

The talent was amazing by the Spirit Ringers, Chancel Choir, Sisters in Song, Men’s Choir and the orchestra! There was a simple and powerful drama starring Paul Allsup and Mike Ryan. Dan was grieving his wife and had no hope this Christmas season. His friend talked to him about our hope in Jesus, hope awakens and it is at Bethlehem. Jesus knows hurt, sadness, grief, betrayal, etc. Dan chose joy and found hope in Jesus! Proverbs 23: 18, “ There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” We can trust God’s Word! 

You may be grieving this Christmas or you may be going through a hard time that has left a big scar. Christmas is the time that hope lets us begin again. Emmanuel - God with us! God IS with us no matter where we are, physically, emotionally or spiritually! Hebrews 13: 5, “...God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” If you need an awakening of hope in your heart, ask Jesus and remember each day is a new day to choose joy. We can find our hope in Jesus!

Jill Jarrell-Newsome